terms of use & disclaimers

Logos and images. The Ian Sturrock Memorial Pipe Band (ISMPB) is the owner and/or authorized user of all trade marks, copyrights, and all other intellectual property appearing on or contained within this website unless otherwise indicated.

ISMPB is sponsored by GUINNESS®, distributed locally by the Alabama Crown Distributing Company, the Saint Andrews Society of the Middle South, and the Caledonian Society of Alabama. Any logos or images that appear on this website are the property of the Ian Sturrock Memorial Pipe Band and do not represent GUINNESS®, Alabama Crown Distributing Company, the Saint Andrews Society of the Middle South, or the Caledonian Society of Alabama.

The GUINNESS® word and associated logos are trade marks. Please visit www.guinness.com for more information about GUINNESS®.

Copying. All rights in all material and content (including, but not limited to, text, images, web pages, sound and video, and the look and feel, design and compilation thereof) at this website are owned by ISMPB or our sponsors. You may view this website and you are welcome to print hard copies of material on it solely for your lawful, personal, non-commercial use. All other copying is prohibited. All other rights are reserved.

Safe drinking. ISMPB along with GUINNESS® remind you to please drink responsibly. Please visit the The Century Council for more information about safe drinking.

Nonprofit status. ISMPB is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization organized under the nonprofit status of the Saint Andrews Society of the Middle South. Any donations to the band are tax-deductible.

Merchandise. ISMPB merchandise is sold "as is" using PayPal. Merchadise that is purchased will be shipped with 1 to 2 weeks of purchase. Buyers will receive a notification via email from an authorized representative of ISMPB acknowledging their purchase, inlcluding an approximate date of delivery. All items are shipped via United State Postal Service. Sorry, no refunds on ISMPB merchandise.